14.1德国WTA止回阀 弹簧止回阀 德国WTA止回阀在直类型、引水系统或角落与法兰和对焊;类型;可以提供碳钢1.0619 /WCB,不锈钢1.4408 / CF8M、低温度/ LCB / 1.6220碳钢LCC,特殊材料。不锈钢钢铁凸轮异形涂阀盖垫片与纯石墨,安装在舌头和槽阀盖法兰。金属回座位与弹簧插头,打开约的压力。0.2条/ 2.9 psi 14.1 non-return valves Spring loaded non-return valve with spring in straight type, y-type or corner type; with flanges or butt weld ends; can be supplied in carbon steel 1.0619/WCB, stainless steel 1.4408/CF8M, low temperature carbon steel 1.6220/LCB/LCC, and special materials. Stainless steel cam profiled bonnet gasket coated with pure graphite, mounted in tongue and groove bonnet flanges. Metal back seat with spring loaded plug; opening pressure approx. 0.2 bar/2.9 psi